

Relationship Series • January 19 - February 16

Navigating relationships can seem like an impossible task

Love. Arguments. Marriage. Finding your forever someone. Friendship. Family.

All these types of relationships require work and the road to success can seem impossible. But there is tremendous hope to be found if you know where and how to look at things. We’ve created an environment where you can find hope in people again while growing your faith through God’s word. 

This five-week series will help you get back on track while connecting with people and discovering what relationships should look like. These are not conversations you’d expect in church, but God has answers, and nothing is off-limits.

I Can Be Mad All By Myself

Stay caught up with every message in this series!

Join A Group

Learning how to have healthy relationships starts by building community in groups. There are single groups, marriage groups, and parents groups.

Growth Track

Finding your purpose while serving alongside others helps you build healthy relationships. Growth Track is your starting place!

Don’t Keep This One To Yourself

Send a text to invite at least three people you know to the Relationship series because we all have THAT friend who needs someone else to tell them what they don’t want to hear! 

Hey! I don’t know about you … BUT, I need some help with my relationships! Want to come to Union Church with me for the Relationship series? It’s one of my favorite series at church and NO topic is off-limits. I know we will learn a thing or two about how to handle our relationships.

Need More?

Watch past Relationship series messages!

Catch the Greatest Moments!

Follow us on social media to watch clips from the Relationship series! You know the ones you may miss on Sundays. #spicymoments

Build your relationships

Watch sessions from previous Union Church events!